Lake Ainslie Newsletter
Fall & Winter 2017 (Volume 17) www.lakeainslie.ca
Winter is on its way… (we think!)
Some upcoming community events you won’t want to miss:
Nov. 26th - Christmas Tree Lighting at the Fire Hall at 7pm Fun for all ages, tea will be served! Food Bank donations accepted.
Dress warm & get ready to kick of the holiday season with some carols.
Dec. 17th - Annual Community Christmas Concert at the Fire Hall, tea served.
Dec. 24th/ 25th - Christmas Services, everyone welcome. Service times TBA.
Alexander Grant Memorial United Church & East Lake Ainslie Presbyterian Church.
Dec. 31st - New Years Eve Dance with live band - “Beech Hill” 9pm -1am (Ages 19+)
Get your tickets early! $25.00 each. Lake Ainslie Volunteer Fire Hall, Scotsville.
Don’t forget to watch social media and the Inverness Oran for other scheduled winter events, including a storytelling session, and the ever popular WinterFest coasting party!
Please let us know if you wish to contribute to the newsletter or to propose an event: lakeainslienewsletter @ gmail.com or connect with us on our Facebook page: Lake Ainslie Development Association
LADA News & Updates
The LADA Senior Housing Committee continues to meet regularly to discuss the details and plans for building a senior housing complex in the community. The committee will soon be applying for SEED funding to move the project to the next steps. Thank you to those who have volunteered their time to this worthwhile endeavour thus far. If you have questions or are interested in getting involved in this project, be sure to get in touch!
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ― Leo Buscaglia
Fire Department Photo Shoot
Lake Ainslie Volunteer Fire Department recently had group photos taken, and don’t they look snazzy with the autumn leaves in the background? This year marks the 47th Anniversary of the Volunteer Fire Department! Thanks to all of the dedicated volunteers!
Community groups are always open to new members & volunteers for events and committees. Thanks to all community volunteers!
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah &
Best Wishes for a Healthy & Happy 2018!
Fall & Winter 2017 (Volume 17) www.lakeainslie.ca
Winter is on its way… (we think!)
Some upcoming community events you won’t want to miss:
Nov. 26th - Christmas Tree Lighting at the Fire Hall at 7pm Fun for all ages, tea will be served! Food Bank donations accepted.
Dress warm & get ready to kick of the holiday season with some carols.
Dec. 17th - Annual Community Christmas Concert at the Fire Hall, tea served.
Dec. 24th/ 25th - Christmas Services, everyone welcome. Service times TBA.
Alexander Grant Memorial United Church & East Lake Ainslie Presbyterian Church.
Dec. 31st - New Years Eve Dance with live band - “Beech Hill” 9pm -1am (Ages 19+)
Get your tickets early! $25.00 each. Lake Ainslie Volunteer Fire Hall, Scotsville.
Don’t forget to watch social media and the Inverness Oran for other scheduled winter events, including a storytelling session, and the ever popular WinterFest coasting party!
Please let us know if you wish to contribute to the newsletter or to propose an event: lakeainslienewsletter @ gmail.com or connect with us on our Facebook page: Lake Ainslie Development Association
LADA News & Updates
The LADA Senior Housing Committee continues to meet regularly to discuss the details and plans for building a senior housing complex in the community. The committee will soon be applying for SEED funding to move the project to the next steps. Thank you to those who have volunteered their time to this worthwhile endeavour thus far. If you have questions or are interested in getting involved in this project, be sure to get in touch!
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ― Leo Buscaglia
Fire Department Photo Shoot
Lake Ainslie Volunteer Fire Department recently had group photos taken, and don’t they look snazzy with the autumn leaves in the background? This year marks the 47th Anniversary of the Volunteer Fire Department! Thanks to all of the dedicated volunteers!
Community groups are always open to new members & volunteers for events and committees. Thanks to all community volunteers!
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah &
Best Wishes for a Healthy & Happy 2018!